Leova city

Leova city is located on the bank of the river Prut. The main attractions of the city include a rich cultural heritage presented through memorials and monuments of great heroes of history. The climate in the city can be characterized as moderate-continental with a warm summer and a winter with litt...

Country: Moldova

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Places near this location

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Cantemir is a city in the Republic of Moldova, the...

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Cahul city is located in southwestern part of the ...


The city in Moldova...

Orheiul Vechi

The remnants of the first human settlements, which...

Where to stay

Disco Hope

Disco Hope is in every summer, the main attraction...

Banat Variety - Programmes for Children and Families

VrÅ¡ac is a town set beneath the tower – the VrÅ...

Bike Tour Serbia

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Belgrade City Break

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Where to stay

Wild camping Malu

Here you will find a perfect place for wild campin...

Wild camping Pietrosani

This is a beautiful quiet area where you can put y...

Camping Suhaia

This is a simple green grass garden where you can ...

Wild Camping Garcov

A beautiful natural area where you can camp and wh...

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