The Brigach and Breg start the Danube on its way – close to the Baden-Württemberg town of Donaueschingen, the magnificent Danube is formed from the confluence of these two rivers before continuing its journey east. ...
The Federal Republic of Germany is situated in the heart of Europe, bordering Denmark, Poland Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium the Netherlands.
It covers an area of more than 350 thousand square kilometres, divided into 16 states, inhabited by 81.8 million people. Berlin is the capital of Germany, which is a member of European Union and all the major political, economical and military alliances.
Germany is one of the most developed countries in the world, and a country with a significant international influence. It is also an innovative centre of knowledge, learning, culture and modern art movement. Most of German cities are tourist attractions, thanks to their rich history and remarkable architecture.
Natural landscape diverses from the Alpine foothillsin the South, to the central highlands and North German plain.
The Danube rises in South-western Germany, in the Black Forest (Schwarzwald), and runs through the country for 647 kilometres. Important historical cities, beautiful landscapes and developed infrastructure, are characteristic of the Danube banks in Germany.
Germany - the Travel Destinaton
Towns and cities on the Danube (VIDEO)
There are around 90 towns and cities, both large and small, along the Danube
Cities (population of more than 100,000) on the Danube:
Ulm, Regensburg
Hotels and accommodation
A wide-ranging selection. From holiday apartments, inns and guesthouses to first-class hotels.
Bird species on the Danube
More than 300.
The Danube is one of the most important bird migration routes in Europe and the unspoilt countryside around the river often provides an important place for overwintering, roosting and breeding, including for rare species
National parks/nature conservation areas
Nature reserves:
Southern Black Forest, Upper Danube, Augsburg-Westliche Wälder, Altmühl Valley, Bavarian Forest
Biosphere reserves:
Swabian Alb
National parks:
Bavarian Forest
Along with countless areas of outstanding natural beauty and nature conservation areas
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