
It may come as a surprise to learn that a small town like Dillingen has a university. But Dillingen has, in fact, been a university town since 1549, which led to it becoming a centre of intellectual and religious thought in Bavaria. Although the university moved to Augsburg in the 1970s, the histori...

Country: Germany

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Places near this location


With so many towers from different centuries, it's...


The fact that Günzburg belonged to Austria for ab...


Idyllically situated on the Upper Swabian Baroque ...


Even in the Middle Ages, Donauwörth was an unusua...

Where to stay

Family Hotel Anker

The traditional, caringly managed "Family Hotel An...

Golden Tulip Parkhotel

The Golden Tulip Parkhotel Neu-Ulm is situated in ...

Donau Büro Ulm

The Donaubüro Ulm / Neu-Ulm is a non-profit of th...

Hotel Shiefes Haus

Historic building located in the ancient Fishermen...

Dine and wine

Restaurant Bella Vista

Enjoy your meal with a perfect view of the Ulm Min...

Restaurant Barfüsser

Brewery at the banks of the Danube....

Restaurant Zur Forelle

Historic restaurant in the Fishermen's and Tanners...

Pension Carlbauer

Bed-and-Breakfast Guest-House on the Danube bike t...

Danube experience



Rajac wine cellars

Built in 18.century, they are built of stone, bur...

Budapest River Cruise

Hungary- Top Things to do Budapest - Budapest Rive...

camping on the wild beache

one or two or three day trips with camping on the ...

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