To be buried at the fortress of Ilok was the last wish of St. Capistrano, the “apostle of Europe”. He considered it to be extremely important for strategic and religious reasons, to leave a centuries-long imprint of Catholicism and Franciscan order right on the border between the East and the West. Capistrano came here to die in the friary and church that rise above the Danube, protected by the high walls of the castle of the King of Bosnia, Nikola Iločki (Nicholas of Ilok). Franciscans came to Ilok in the 14th century and built a church during the reign of the Duke of Ugrin. To honor St John of Capistrano, this church was extended and restored by King Nikola after Capistrano's death. Capistrano was canonized in 1690. His cell and the chapel in which he lived during his illness and where he died in 1456 are preserved in the original condition. While on his deathbed, Capistrano healed numerous people, and about 100 miraculous events are reported. These miracles continued at his grave after his death. Since those times, pilgrims have been coming to Ilok to visit this church in Neo-Gothic style designed by the architect Herman Bolle, who also worked on the Zagreb Cathedral. There are guided tours through the whole complex organised by the Ilok Tourist Office, or directly by the Franciscans: Tel. +385 32 592860. Charity welcome!
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