Exposition of costumed dolls in Búč in Slovakia. The dolls are accurate copies of the traditional folk costumes from more than forty villages in Slovakia. The dolls have come a long journey: they have been already presented in over 250 exhibitions both at home and abroad - from the world exhibition EXPO 2000 in Hannover, to our smallest villages .
Opening hours: Sunday 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Contact and tickets booking details
Name, first name: Szobi Kerekes Eszter
WWW: www.babamuzeum.eu
Cell phone: 00421 905 847 530
e-mail: szobikerekeseszter@gmail.com
Address: Združenie za kultúru a turizmus Kultúráért és Turizmusért Társulás, Hlavná 5, 946 35 Búč., Slovak Republic
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