Negotin Krajina is located in the valley surrounded by mountains Miroč, Crni Vrh and Deli Jovan, on one side, and the Danube River and Timok on the other side, which causes a very specific climate of this area, which is a continental and characterized by a very hot summer and cold winter.
From Belgrade to Negotin you can get through the international E 75 road through Paracin (300 km), over Smederevo, Požarevac and Majdanpek (290 km), or along Danube through Donji Milanovac (250 km).
From Nis, is 150 km away, Zaječar 57, the nearest town of Vidin in Bulgaria 55km, and from the nearest town in Romania, Turnu Severin 80 kilometers.
Museum of Krajina
The museum was founded in 1934 buy the decision of Moravian Ban. In it’s possession is about 15,000 objects, it has 20,000 visitors a year. In the Museum there are three objects: Archaeological museum, born house of Stevan Mokranjac and the Hajduk Veljko museum. In addition, the Museum of Krajina have activity on two archaeological sites in the complex Vrelo-Šarkamen and monastery complex Koroglaš (14-15. Century). Monasteries
In Krajina, during the 18th century existed six monasteries, but only three were saved (Bukovo, Vratna and Koroglaš), and the first two mentioned are active to this days. It is believed that all of the three monasteries were built in the XIV century, which makes them a very valuable tourist destinations.
In the past old churches were in several places in Negotinska Krajina, all of them were built of wood and almost all are missing. In the beginning of the nineteenth century the churches are starting to be built with hard material, so they were present in almost all villages in Negotin municipality. The most valuable are the old Holy Mother of God Church and Holy Trinity Church in Negotin
From Belgrade to Negotin you can get through the international E 75 road through Paracin (300 km), over Smederevo, Požarevac and Majdanpek (290 km), or along Danube through Donji Milanovac (250 km).
From Nis, is 150 km away, Zaječar 57, the nearest town of Vidin in Bulgaria 55km, and from the nearest town in Romania, Turnu Severin 80 kilometers.
Museum of Krajina
The museum was founded in 1934 buy the decision of Moravian Ban. In it’s possession is about 15,000 objects, it has 20,000 visitors a year. In the Museum there are three objects: Archaeological museum, born house of Stevan Mokranjac and the Hajduk Veljko museum. In addition, the Museum of Krajina have activity on two archaeological sites in the complex Vrelo-Šarkamen and monastery complex Koroglaš (14-15. Century). Monasteries
In Krajina, during the 18th century existed six monasteries, but only three were saved (Bukovo, Vratna and Koroglaš), and the first two mentioned are active to this days. It is believed that all of the three monasteries were built in the XIV century, which makes them a very valuable tourist destinations.
In the past old churches were in several places in Negotinska Krajina, all of them were built of wood and almost all are missing. In the beginning of the nineteenth century the churches are starting to be built with hard material, so they were present in almost all villages in Negotin municipality. The most valuable are the old Holy Mother of God Church and Holy Trinity Church in Negotin
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