
The fact that Günzburg belonged to Austria for about 500 years is still evident today: the town has a charm of its own, casting a spell on all who visit. Idyllically situated on the Danube between Ulm and Augsburg, Günzburg is known for its welcoming atmosphere and enchanting old quarter, where yo...

Country: Germany

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Places near this location


With so many towers from different centuries, it's...


It may come as a surprise to learn that a small to...


Neu-Ulm offers a complete contrast to other destin...


Ulm/Neu-Ulm - the twin city on the Danube. Linked ...

Where to stay

Golden Tulip Parkhotel

The Golden Tulip Parkhotel Neu-Ulm is situated in ...

Family Hotel Anker

The traditional, caringly managed "Family Hotel An...

Donau Büro Ulm

The Donaubüro Ulm / Neu-Ulm is a non-profit of th...

Hotel Shiefes Haus

Historic building located in the ancient Fishermen...

Dine and wine

Restaurant Bella Vista

Enjoy your meal with a perfect view of the Ulm Min...

Restaurant Barfüsser

Brewery at the banks of the Danube....

Restaurant Zur Forelle

Historic restaurant in the Fishermen's and Tanners...

Pension Carlbauer

Bed-and-Breakfast Guest-House on the Danube bike t...

Danube experience



Rajac wine cellars

Built in 18.century, they are built of stone, bur...

Budapest River Cruise

Hungary- Top Things to do Budapest - Budapest Rive...

camping on the wild beache

one or two or three day trips with camping on the ...

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