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Museum of Vojvodina
The huge museum of the region, one of the best in Serbia, consists of an archeological department with the prehistoric, antique, medieval, numismatic and archaeological-biological sections, a history department (early and cultural history, recent history), and an ethnographic department. ...
City: Novi Sad
Country: Serbia
The huge museum of the region, one of the best in Serbia, consists of an archeological department with the prehistoric, antique, medieval, numismatic and archaeological-biological sections, a history department (early and cultural history, recent history), and an ethnographic department. The Agricultural Museum in Kulpin is also part of this museum. In total, it preserves over 400,000 items and a huge historic library (50,000 volumes). One of the most imporant artifacts is a Roman ceremonial helmet. The museum was opened in 1947 and is located in two buildings, one from 1909, and a new one in No. 37.
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