Primatial Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary Assumed Into Heaven and St Adalbert and Basilica Treasury
The giant classic style sacral building is the biggest one of its kind in Hungary. It was constructed by architects Pál Kühnel, János Páckh and József Hild, 1822 – 1869....
City: Esztergom
Country: Hungary
The giant classic style sacral building is the biggest one of its kind in Hungary. It was constructed by architects Pál Kühnel, János Páckh and József Hild, 1822 – 1869. Ferenc (Franz) Liszt wrote the Mass of Esztergom for the inauguration event. One outstanding interior of the building is the organ, built by Salzburg (Austria) born Ludwig Moser, and finished in August, 1856. All parts of the organ have been transported via the Danube to Esztergom.
The height of the dome is 71.5 m; the monumental altarpiece in the Sacrarium has been realised by Michelangelo Grigoletti. It is the biggest painting of its kind (13.5 x 6.6 m), worldwide. See the Saint Stephen Chapel, where relics of Hungarian and other saints and jewelry are in exhibition. The Bakócz Chapel is of medieval origin and was integrated into this new basilica.
Visit the huge Egyptian style crypt under the Catholic church, where burial places of bishops, archbishops, and the relics of Primate József Mindszenty (since 1991) can be found. It is also a pilgrimage place.
A must is the visit of the treasury, upstairs in the basilica, where outstanding medieval goldsmith artworks can be admired. It is the richest religious treasury of Hungary. There is the coronation silver cross of Arpad dynasty (13th century), a famous procession cross, a part of the famous Matthias-Calvary. See also traditional textiles from all over Europe and Hungary, and liturgical objects.
The sound of the enormous bell in the southern tower can be heard from far away. From the top of the cathedral, admire the panoramic view of Börzsöny, Visegrád, Pilis, or Gerecse Mountains, see the Danube valley and the Small Plains.
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