![](/upload/thumbs/user_files/295/location/1180/image_DCC_FAMtrip_RER_Sept2013_by_Miodrag_mitja_Bogdanovic--5508 m_1920x492.jpg)
Since 1872 this wonderful museum collects historical and contemporary applied arts. The opening of the Museum in this wonderful Art Nouveau building (architects: Ödön Lechner, Gyula Pártos), happened on 25th of Oct, 1896, in presence of Emperor Francis (Franz) Joseph. The permanent collection consists of 400 outstanding art works and was extended, in 2013, by a donation of collector Magda Bácsi, a violin player. In addition, 300 far-eastern and European objects have been added to the Ceramics Collections. Most important is the furniture collection from Gothic style to Biedermeier, which is shown in Nagytétény Castle Museum (see below). The Bigot pavilion shows Art Nouveau ceramics from Paris, and there are other masterpieces of Art Nouveau. The Islamic arts collections shows master pieces from 16th to 19th century, from Asia and Northern Africa. Most exclusive is the Esterházy Treasury: gold- and silverware, Turkish weapons, Hungarian aristocratic costumes and jewelry of Hungarian aristocratic lifestyle. Pocket watches are shown in the luxury section. There are also Javanese puppets. There are also temporary exhibitions and offers of guided tours. There is also a wonderful museum shop and a library. Take metro line 3 to arrive.
The museum and it`s associated branches operate as: Ferenc Hopp Museum of East Asian Arts (www.imm.hu/en/contents/hoppmuzeum#&panel1-3), György Ráth Museum (www.imm.hu/en/contents/hoppmuzeum#&panel1-3), Nagytétény Castle Museum
(www.nagytetenyi.hu/index_en.html, www.imm.hu/en/contents/nagytetenyi#&panel1-1)
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