Gospojin Vir
Dobra is village near the Golubac. It is in the area of National park Djerdap. The village also has an ethnographic museum. There one can see old crafts, tools, costumes… A big weaving loom is still functioning and available for every visitor to try this craftwork. Hand woven kilims, paths, charac...
City: Djerdap
Country: Serbia
ETHNO-ECO Gospojin Vir is a non-profit non-government association of citizen, formed in 2003rd with aim to contribute to development of Dobra village, preserve ethnological values and work on nature preservation in wider area of the village. The original association was formed in 2003rd based on initiative of civil engineer Mr. Zoran Petrashkovic, who gathered experts from different professional orientations: architects, civil engineers, ethnologists, archeologists, lawyers, forest engineers, painters, sculptors, doctors and interested villagers of Dobra, to work together on making better conditions for village life.
The new association which came to existence in 2012th year continues activities of primarily formed association enriched with new members.
ETHNO-ECO Gospojin vir cooperates with other associations, local self-government organs, tourist organizations and educational institutions, makes suggestions to qualified institutions, and makes studies for preservation of clean environment and preservation of ethnological values. With its activities, it contributes to development of village tourism in ecological oasis of National Park Djerdap. ETHNO-ECO Gospojin vir promotes the beauty of Djerdap gorge, touristic and gastronomic offer of this area.
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 420/30
Belgrade, Serbia
Phone +381112864570
Mob +381641901824
Email jdzuklevski@etnohomedobra.com
The new association which came to existence in 2012th year continues activities of primarily formed association enriched with new members.
ETHNO-ECO Gospojin vir cooperates with other associations, local self-government organs, tourist organizations and educational institutions, makes suggestions to qualified institutions, and makes studies for preservation of clean environment and preservation of ethnological values. With its activities, it contributes to development of village tourism in ecological oasis of National Park Djerdap. ETHNO-ECO Gospojin vir promotes the beauty of Djerdap gorge, touristic and gastronomic offer of this area.
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 420/30
Belgrade, Serbia
Phone +381112864570
Mob +381641901824
Email jdzuklevski@etnohomedobra.com
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