
With so many towers from different centuries, it's obvious the town of Lauingen has a long and colourful history that belies its small size. It's a history you feel at its strongest in the town's old quarter. Albertus Magnus, one of the Middle Ages' most important theologians, was born here in 1193 ...

Country: Germany

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Places near this location


It may come as a surprise to learn that a small to...


The fact that Günzburg belonged to Austria for ab...


Idyllically situated on the Upper Swabian Baroque ...


Even in the Middle Ages, Donauwörth was an unusua...

Where to stay

Camping Divoká Voda

Camping directly in White Water Park Divoká Voda...

Camping 'Suza Baranje'

Our camping grounds are situated in Suza (“suzaâ...

Camping "Budzak"

Spend some days in unspoilt nature of the Pannonia...

Oasis of Peace at Pretty Toma's

Oasis of Peace at Pretty Toma's is located at the ...

Dine and wine

Camping Divoká Voda

Camping directly in White Water Park Divoká Voda...

Camping 'Suza Baranje'

Our camping grounds are situated in Suza (“suzaâ...

Camping "Budzak"

Spend some days in unspoilt nature of the Pannonia...

Oasis of Peace at Pretty Toma's

Oasis of Peace at Pretty Toma's is located at the ...

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