Dunavsko gnezdo

50 km from Novi Sad, between Old Slankamen, settlement of Roman legions during II century, and Old Banovci whose bank hosts ornithological ecological station with rare bird species (mentioned in Cambridge archive)....

City: Novi Sad

Country: Serbia

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Places near this location

Novi Banovci

Novi Banovci is situated in Stara Pazova Municipal...

Stara Pazova



Proudly named the City of Culture, City of Inspira...

Novi Sad

At the foot of the Fruška Gora hills, in the shad...

Where to stay

Danube Retreat

50 km from Novi Sad, between Old Slankamen, settle...

My Memento

Cortanovci are located on the slopes of the mounta...

Rooms “BELILO 69”

Rooms “Belilo 69” are located 1.5 km away from...

Apartment “Zeravica”

This comfortable apartment with two rooms is locat...

Dine and wine

“Fruska gora” Eco-camp

Eco-camp is located 4 km away from Sremski Karlovc...



Sosul Camping

Camping, tent places, tennis plac, spa, pool with ...

LongTour Sombor

Cycle tourism camp on the EuroVelo 6 route...

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