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At Véménd/Palotabozsok junction of motorway M 6 turn off to highway Mohács – Pécsvárad and drive 10 km in direction of Mohács to reach this watermill of medieval origin. It is 4 km from Mohács, on the banks of famous Csele stream. First mills in Mohács recorded are from 1331 AD. Later on, Ottomans recorded four watermill systems. Today`s still working mill has been first reported in 1721, but its actual design is from the 1930s. Reconstructed in 2008/2009, it also got new machinery. Go here to learn more about the water mill system, see the gallery with items of milling history and prove their functions with “hands on” objects, or make flatbread (lepény), salty fried cake (the famous lángos) or savor scones (pogácsa) in the outdoor oven at the mill (on demand, only). To visit the mill, it is necessary to contact Norbert M. Bugarszki.
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