Vodné dielo, 851 10 Bratislava-Čunovo, SLOVAKIA
GPS: N 48.034237, E 17.232605
Cell phone: +421 2 62 52 85 01
1. By car
Bratislava centre > Petržalka, Panónska cesta (or Dolnozemská cesta) > Rusovce > direction Dobrohošť
2. By bus – municipal transport
Bus No. 90 – Nové SND- Most Apollo- Ekonomická univerzita- ...- Čunovo- Areál vodných športov/ Danubiana
3. By ship
Have a leisurely cruise to the Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum.
The boat runs every Saturday and Sunday from 01.05 to 25.10 and the following public holidays: 1.5, 8.5, 1.9 and 15.9
Departure of the ship from the passenger port in Fajnorovo nabrezie 2 (street) in Bratislava is at 13:30, arrival to the Danubiana is about 14:30, then exiting the Danubiana at 16:30 and arrival in Bratislava at 18:00. Return ticket, which also includes admission to Danubiana costs 10 EUR.
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