WHERE THE DANUBE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFULL Numerous cultural and historical monuments (the remains of Traians bridge, Traians plaque,Roman castrum (fortification) Diana, fortress Fetislam), natural beauties (The Danube and National park Djerdap), and man made values – the hydro-electric power plant Iron Gate I, are just a part of many attractive tourist sights. The remains of Traians bridge and Pontes fortification can be found near village Kostol, 3km downstream of Kladovo.The bridge was built between 103 and 105 year B.C. and is the work of Syrianarchitect Apolodor from Damask. Wel known Tabula Traiana, located near Hajdučka Vodenica, was engraved into a rock an 100 year B.C. It is a testimony of the creation of Via Traiana road as emperor Traians endeavour to expand his territories onto the Danube left bank. The Diana fortress was built on the Danube share on a mount near village Sip. when the first military formations had come to the Danube in the early 1st century, began a construction of the first ground- wooden fortification in the country. The medieval fortress Fetislam was built on the ground of Roman fortification Zanes. Fetislam is composed of the Big Fortress and the Small Town inside it, which used to be military fortification and an important strategic point for the Danube sailing control. National park Djerdap is located in western area of Kladovo municipality spreading on roughly 64 acres.It is the biggest national park in the country, distinguished by its flora, fauna, terrain phenomena... Nearby Petrovo Selo, 23 km west from Kladovo, there are many caves and pits, suitable for developing a specific tourist offer. Blederija waterfall, remarkable natures attraction is located near the village Reka, 25km of Kladovo. Mala Vrbica is on of Serbias 35 identified „ Important Bird Areas ! (IBA). Ethno Festival Kladovo grow up to be not just an Ethno festival in Eastern Serbia but an international event. It is traditionally held in the second half of July. The oldest , longest and the biggest tourist, sports and recreational kayak, canoe and rowing regatta has sailed the Danube for six decades now, from German town Ingolstadt to Romanian village St. George on the coast of the Black Sea. The Golden plop of Djerdap is a sport and fishing event which lasts almost thirty years. Fishing place Tekija welcomes its fishermen in August, every year and guarantees good catch and fun. |
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