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Discover the Danube
The Danube is the most important stream of Europe. With its 2.857 kilometers from the well in Schwarzwald to the Delta in the Black Sea it is the second largest river of the continent. 2.488 kilometers are navigable and connect 10 neighbor countries....
City: Orsova
Country: Romania
Discover the Danube
The Danube is the most important stream of Europe. With its 2.857 kilometers from the well in Schwarzwald to the Delta in the Black Sea it is the second largest river of the continent. 2.488 kilometers are navigable and connect 10 neighbor countries.
- Germany
- Austria
- Slovakia
- Hungary
- Croatia
- Serbia
- Bulgaria
- Romania
- Moldavia
- Ukraine
With its course from west to east it connects West Europe with the countries of Southeast Europe.
Danube was always the transport band for goods, culture and people. The Transport and passengers numbers on ship crusades are increasing.
The Danube is with its side rivers an important Living and Development axis, which connects countries and promotes an altogether development.
For visitors, the Danube-area offers a large amount of opportunities ,to experience a extensive Nature and Culture closely. The origin of the first European cultures were here 9000 years ago and as it follows, many different nations left behind their witness and still offer a quick glance into the past.
The nature along the Danube changes from hills and wild canyons to flat land. Forests, fields and many river coasts are living space for many animals and plants. Many of the pretty landscapes are verified as National parks and Nature reserves.
This internet presentation would like to introduce to you all the various facets of the Danube region and to animate you to a trip along the Danube.
Welcome to the Danube - the whole new destination to discover!
Feel like you are on the largest island that connects different countries, cultures, heritage and impressive natural beauties!
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Places near this location
Stara Nekrasovka Village and the Meridian Monument
This village is named after a chief ("ataman") of ...
Where to stay
What to do
4 Day Wildlife PhotoTours in Danube Delta 2013 - by FotoDelta - Mila 23
Nature photography tours in the Danube Delta, at M...